2025/01/22 00:00

Jack and Mike are at a summer festival.

Jack: "Summer festivals mean shaved ice, right!" 

Mike: "Hey, if you eat too much, you'll get a headache."

Jack: "I know, but why do you get a headache from ice cream or shaved ice?"

Mike: "Well, medically, it hasn't been fully explained yet, but there are two theories." 

Jack: "Is it because your mouth and throat get cold and need to be warmed up?" 

Mike: "Correct. The blood vessels become inflamed to maintain body temperature. This is called the vascular theory." 

Jack: "Hmm, so what's the other theory?"

Mike: "To put it simply, the brain mistakes the cold sensation for pain, causing a headache. This is called the neural theory. Either way, to prevent headaches, you should eat slowly." 

Jack: "I see... I'm starting to feel a headache coming on." 

Mike: "See, I told you so."


a. 焼きそば
b. 綿あめ
c. かき氷
d. たこ焼き

a. お金を使いすぎる
b. 頭が痛くなる
c. 服が汚れる
d. 人混みに気をつける

a. 神経説
b. 血管説
c. 食物アレルギー説
d. 温度差説

a. 食物アレルギー説
b. 血管説
c. 温度差説
d. 神経説

a. 暑い場所を避ける
b. 水をたくさん飲む
c. ゆっくり食べる
d. アイスを食べない



