




1. 不定期アクティビティ:懇親会(オンライン上)、オンラインでの講演会実施
2. その他:コミュニティに参加されたメンバーの皆さまには、以下の特典をお送りします。


2.本コミュニティでは、参加者皆様のアジアに対する知見及びネットワークを拡げる場を設けると同時に、将来的にはアジアで社会変革(Social Change)に貢献する「人材育成の場」という目的を掲げます。



現在は海外(フィリピン)でODA(政府開発援助)のコンサルタントをしております。大学卒業後、日系製造業に就職し、中国を主な拠点として、中国国内、韓国、東南アジア、ロシア、西欧等を中心に4年ほど海外営業及びマーケティングに従事していました。その後、日本とスイスの大学院に進学し、修士号(M.A.及びMBA)を取得しました。2017年よりODA専属のコンサルタントとしてフィリピンのマニラにて人的資源開発プロジェクトに従事しております(現職)。フィリピンで勤務する傍ら、米国大学にて博士号(Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration)を取得しました。













・CAMPFIREコミュニティでのご参加に対応しているお支払い方法はクレジットカード、キャリア決済、PayPal決済、Apple Pay(★)のみになります。

○VISA/MasterCard/JCB/Diners Club/American Express

○auかんたん決済 ○ソフトバンクまとめて支払い ○ワイモバイルまとめて支払い

★Apple PayはSafariでのみご利用いただけます。
※ご利用いただけるクレジットカードは、MasterCard・JCB・American Expressです。
また、初月無料のメンバー特典ではご利用いただくことが出来ません。Apple Pay以外の支払い方法をご利用ください。

※ 途中で退会した場合も返金はありません。ご了承ください。

<<< English Description >>>

About My community

1. This online community is for learning and deeply thinking about Asia as widely and variously as possible through discussion with people with different backgrounds.

2. In this community, we will learn Asia, especially contemporary issues to be addressed.

3. We would like to welcome Japanese students, international students, workers, and foreign people working in Japan or other regions. Notably, we would like to warmly recommend this community for those who are interested in Asian development, growth, and prosperity.

As of Benefits for Membership

For members, here are the additional benefits.
1. Online activity: Lectures by other guests will be conducted.
2. Additional Benefits
・Using the Facebook group for providing the exclusive information only for the members.
・Consultation for those who wish to be enrolled at universities and graduate schools, including support for preparation, providing school information, and the strategy for success (Individually one time per month).
・Consultation for those who wish the improvement of English for graduate school and support for English official examination (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.) (Individually one time per month).
・Consultation of job-seeking, job-change, study overseas, etc. (Individually one time per month).
・Social-gathering will be conducted at least once per 6 months. When the pandemic situation gets better, we will conduct the gathering via face-to-face.

Why this community? 
1. The primary reason to establish this community is to make a place for deepening knowledge and broadening perspectives of Asia for those who are concerned with Asia through management of my own community.
2. This community can help members and other participants broaden their perspective of Asia and widen their networks, and finally becoming a place of human networks contributing to social change in Asia in the future as a hope.
3.As of now, this community is as an Asian study group. But, in the future, we are thinking of inviting people from foreign counties as well as from Japan. This will make it possible for participants to broaden their networks internally and externally. Also, the network can become a consulting community where participants can share their private issues or future matters, etc.

Owner’s Profile

Nice to meet you!
This is Masa, and I have been working in the Philippines as a consultant for the Official Development Assistance (ODA). After my B.A., I worked for a Japanese manufacturing company to be in charge of sales and marketing in China, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Russia, and Western European countries for four years. After that, I studied at graduate school in Japan and Switzerland to earn my M.A. and MBA, respectively. Since 2017, as an ODA consultant, I have been promoting a human resource development project until now. While working here in the Philippines, I studies in the United States, primarily via online, and earning my Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration. I specialize in Development Economics, Public Economics, and Economics of Education.
Based on my professional and academic experience, I would like to offer a place of learning Asia together with members, and then deciding to build a community. Remarkably, I would like to provide more opportunities of thinking of Asia from the aspects of development, growth, and prosperity. Thus, I would like to give chance of presentation and discussion by members and other participants for thinking of Asia.
All in all, those who are interested in Asia and study it will warmly be welcomes.
I look forward to your positive participation.


Currently, I am working as an ODA consultant in the Philippine. I earned my Ph.D. in the United States and MBA in Switzerland. Also, I have a qualification of TESOL/TEFL to teach English as a foreign language for Japanese and other people via online.
Hopefully, my community will be meaningful, and if the members get increased, I would like them to organize a study group and expand their networks and develop new relationship with each other. Meanwhile, I am thinking of working for universities or international organizations to develop my career and life work in the future.

Q: Can anybody be eligible for participation at this community?
A: Yes, please join here if you are interested in this community.

Q: What is the major communication tool here?
A Periodically, we are going to use Zoom, while a formulation of a Facebook group will be considered for members’ positive participation in our community.

Q:We are not confident in our English…
A: Don’t worry! We are planning to offer an English discussion once a month, but it is fine for you to join us even if you are worried about your English ability. Just listen to the discussion or give your comments in a chat box either in English or Japanese. So, please be secured to join it!

Q:Can I leave the community whenever I want to do it?
A: In case that you become uninterested in the community or our community is different from what you expected, we offer a one-month free trial session. You may decide if you want to continuously join our community or not. Of course, it is possible for you to leave our community during the one-month free trial, while we appreciate it if you can work for a questionnaire.

Q:I don’t have a credit-care for checking, but am I not allowed to join this community without the credit care?
A: You can pay cash through the back account. In that case, please contact me at Masa’s Facebook page messenger.

・ You will be forced to leave this community if we find your illegal actions or behaviors, e.g. ) slander against other users, applicable trolls in any cases or other nuisance to be judged.
・Any refund and cancellation after your payment is no longer available.
・As for the other rules and regulations. Please check the CAMPFIRE terms and conditions (https://camp-fire.jp/pages/term).
・Please check the following page if you have any other inquiries relevant to the CAMPFIRE through the help page (https://help.camp-fire.jp/hc/ja/categories/204069108)。

Announcement of Payment 
・The basic methods of payment for joining the CAMPFIRE Community are by credit-care, career payment, PayPal, Apple Pay only
 *** Payment at convenience store and Pay-easy are NOT working
The credit-card is applicable as follows only;
 *** This is limited to the 100 days left until the expiry.
 ○VISA/MasterCard/JCB/Diners Club/American Express

・The possible career-payment is as follows.
 ○au Easy Payment (auかんたん決済)
 ○Soft Bank One-time Payment (ソフトバンクまとめて支払い)
 ○Y-Mobile One-time Payment (ワイモバイルまとめて支払い)
 ○PayPal is either via bank account without any charge.
  *** Available banks are Mizuho, MUFG, Risona, and Saitama Risona

★Apple Pay is applicable only Safari.
 *** MasterCard・JCB・American Express are the available credit-cards
 *** During the one-month free trial duration, the apple pay is not available. So, please consider the other payment method.
・Please be informed that the receipt cannot be issued.
 *** When you leave the community in half way, there will be no refund.




※1 d払いは参加費の上限5,500円まで(物販の場合は1,100円)
※2 Apple Payを利用できるのはSafariのみ、初月無料の特典への支払いは利用対象外





