はじめに・ご挨拶 Introduction

僕は、オーストラリアのシドニーに住んでいる高校生の高橋元(たかはし はじめ)です。

Thank you for watching this project.
My name is Hajime Takahashi. A high school student living in Sydney, Australia.
I have lived in Sydney for about two years. I am currently studying English at a local high school.
I like magic tricks, video shooting/editing, FPV drone, baseball, etc ...

プロジェクトをやろうと思った理由 Reasons why I wanted to do the project


I recently started FPV drone. Now (as of August 27), I fly a small FPV drone indoors or in a park.

FPVとは、「First Person View」の略でドローンから見える映像をゴーグルで確認しながら操縦するのがFPVドローンです。

FPV stands for “First Person View”. FPV drone is operated while confirming the image seen from the drone with goggles.

先日、空撮用ドローンで有名なDJI からDigital FPV Systemが発売されました。これは最新のデジタル伝送技術を使った映像伝送システムです。従来のFPVで使われてきたアナログ伝送システムは、伝送速度は高速なものの映像にノイズが出てしまうという欠点がありました。

The other day, Digital FPV System was released by DJI, famous for aerial drones. This is a video transmission system using the latest digital transmission technology. The analogue transmission system used in the conventional FPV has the disadvantage that noise appears in the image although the transmission speed is high. This digital system solves that drawback. This is very revolutionary for the industry!

しかし!! BUT...


Currently it is not available in Japan!
Because there is a problem of the radio law

補足:Digital FPV Systemの詳細をご覧になりたい方はDJIサイトを開き、言語をオーストラリアなど商品が発売される地域に変更してください。(言語の変更は、ホームページの一番下の右側にあります。)

DJI Digital FPV System のページ:https://www.dji.com/au/fpv?site=brands

シドニーでFPVドローンを飛ばすためには、いくつかのルールを守り 、MAAA(豪州航空模型協会)の会員になり、アプリを使って場所を確認すると飛ばすことができます。(資格・免許は必要ありません)

In Japan, drone regulations are strict that it cannot be easily to fly.
There are many YouTube videos that people review the product in English, but of course, there is no one who posts a video in Japanese. (As of my investigation August 27)
To fly FPV drone in Sydney, you can follow some rules, become a member of MAAA (Australian Aviation Model Association) and check the location using the app. (No qualification/license required)


シドニーに住んでいるぼくが皆さんの代わりとなり、 DJI Digital FPV Systemを手にし、皆さんの知りたいことを日本語で発信したい!と思いました。



I want to share in Japanese what you want to know about the DJI Digital FPV System on your behalf!
This project is being conducted while confirming Australian laws with representatives of local FPV drone clubs.

このプロジェクトで実現したいこと what I want to do with this project






・Post YouTube how I assemble and fly drones.
・Tell the fun of FPV drone through this project and YouTube.
・Respond to what you want to know about the product.
・Provide correct information so that people living in Japan can fly drones with confidence in Australia.

これまでの活動 Activities so far


This is the first crowdfunding in my life.
FPV drone knowledge and technology has just started, so there is little. I am currently studying to meet your expectations!
Here you can see how my drone technology is growing. By the time this project is successful, I am practising to fly a 5 inches drone!





GoProやスマホ・ドローンなどで撮影、Premiere Proで編集をします。

資金の使い道 how I use funds

・DJI Digital FPV Systemの購入 目標金額の約40%

・ドローンの部品の購入 目標金額の約30%

・スペアパーツの購入 目標金額の約30%

・ DJI Digital FPV System purchase about 40% of the target amount
・ Drone parts purchase about 30% of the target amount
・ Purchase of spare parts about 30% of the target amount

リターンについて About rewards

感謝のメール Thanks email


秘密のFacebookグループへの招待! Invite to a secret Facebook group!

グループ内では、僕のドローンの活動やオーストラリアでの生活などの記録を投稿します。それについて皆さんからアドバイスを貰ったり、質問に答えたりする場所にしたいと思います! ドローンの知識はもちろんのことオーストラリアのドローンに関する情報もお届けします。シドニーの高校生の生活も発信していこうと思っています。

YouTubeのエンドクレジットにあなたのお名前を記載します!Put your name on my YouTube end credit!




日本で僕と一緒にランチを食べながらドローンについて語り合う let's have lunch with me in Japan



ドローン操縦体験+シドニーの名所が眺められるカフェでランチをしながらドローンについて語り合うDrone piloting experience + Let's have lunch at a cafe where you can see the sights of Sydney

DJI Digital FPV Systemを搭載したドローンを実際に飛ばすことができます。飛行体験の際はクラブの会員になる必要がありますが手続きはすべてサポートいたします。


実施スケジュール Implementation schedule




・ Practice to fly 5-inch drone until the end of crowdfunding.
・ After the crowdfunding, multiple videos of assembling the aircraft on YouTube, Twitter, etc. will be released.
・ After completion, we will create a video that solves what you can actually get and what you want to know. (I plan to post a video for about one year.)

最後に Finally





Thank you for reading my thoughts to the end.

Thank you very much for those who helped to start the project and for those who supported us on Twitter!

I am still a high school student, but I decided to start this project with a lot of awareness by living in Japan and Australia.

Unlike in Japan, Australian high school life has a lot of free time, and local classmates are actively working on what they like after school. I like magic tricks as well as video editing, and practice them myself and show it to my family and others.

When I was in Japan, I was busy with studying and club activities and there was almost no place to show magic. I have been told by my teacher that when I try to show my friends during break time, I shouldn't bring anything that isn't related to school

When I moved to Sydney and entered the local school and learned that I like magic, the teacher encouraged me to perform at graduation ceremonies and talent shows (school events). In Australia, my teacher accepted what I liked. I also saw my classmates and local teachers doing things I loved more than ever. Among them, I was fascinated by the field of video production, and until now I have taken and edited videos using Gopro and smartphones. Among them, I found an FPV drone that can take video like no other.

Most Australian consumer electronics retailers usually sell drones and are more familiar than Japan. So I came up with this project.

For me, this project is the first big challenge. I hope that many people will know about this project and that everyone will be confident in what they like.

I am still immature but I will do my best to make this project a success!

Thank you for your support and cooperation!

※このクラウドファンティングプロジェクトに、DJIは関与していません。個人的なプロジェクトです。 DJI is not involved in this crowdfunding project. This is a personal project.

※DJI Digita FPV Systemの画像及び動画は、DIJから正式に画像と動画の掲載許可をもらって掲載しています。DJI Digita FPV System images and videos are officially published by DIJ with permission to post images and videos.

本プロジェクトはAll-or-Nothing方式で実施します。目標金額に満たない場合、計画の実行及びリターンのお届けはございません。 This project will be implemented using the All-or-Nothing method. If the target amount is not reached, there is no plan execution or rewards

  • 2019/11/03 17:52


  • 2019/10/27 13:29

